Moosejaw uses FullStory to solve countless UX 
and CX issues

Ecommerce, Outdoor Clothing and Equipment
Customer support, Quality assurance, 
Website optimization
Teams using FullStory at Moosejaw
Hours to seconds
Reduction in time to understand customer feedback

Founded as a family-owned outerwear and gear store more than 28 years ago, Moosejaw has become a leading retailer for outdoor clothing and equipment. Though Moosejaw operates several storefronts in the Midwest, the majority of its transactions are conducted through ecommerce in a typical year. Over the years, Moosejaw has been able to continually grow its business and stay on the cutting edge of ecommerce technology by emphasizing a culture of innovation, experimentation, and digital transformation.

MooseJaw Customer Story Hero Image

"Over the years, we’ve solved countless UX and customer service issues using FullStory, and we continue to use it for those purposes every day. Few customers who have a problem on your site actually leave feedback, so if three customers report an issue, that likely represents hundreds who’ve experienced it. FullStory is crucial to understanding and fixing those issues quickly.”

Michael Moore, CTO/CIO, Moosejaw

Moosejaw teams empower support team and 
improve UX with FullStory

Identify and prioritize fixes for a newly-launched website

Building and launching a new website is a major undertaking. No matter how much care and attention go into creating the site, it will still need tweaks when it goes live–and users will inevitably encounter unanticipated issues. Moosejaw recently rolled out a new website while continuing to work on a prioritized list of fixes, and spent the month post-launch intently watching FullStory sessions to see how users interacted with it. The Moosejaw team quickly realized that the fixes they identified as top priorities pre-launch weren’t necessarily the most important issues users were facing. By identifying the real pain points through session replay, the Moosejaw team prioritized the site fixes that were actually impacting users in the wild.

Level up customer support and solve user problems with session replay

As an early FullStory user, Moosejaw initially adopted the platform as a resource for their customer support team to better solve customer issues. Like many customer-facing teams, Moosejaw’s support team frequently received undetailed customer comments about bugs or pain points that the support agents simply couldn’t make sense of. Without FullStory, they’d often spend hours trying to understand a single piece of feedback. Now, each customer comment is immediately linked to a replay of the user’s session in FullStory, so support agents can understand the context and triage the issue within seconds of receipt.

Optimize checkout funnel with FullStory heuristics analysis

Understanding how customers are feeling when they use an app or website is a key part 
of improving their overall shopping experience. FullStory’s frustration heuristics–Rage Clicks, Dead Clicks, and Error Clicks–are great tools for discovering website elements that cause friction and frustration for users. Moosejaw’s marketing team used this type of analysis to conduct an audit on their website’s checkout funnel–one of the most critical pages on any ecommerce website. In doing this, they uncovered several minor issues that added up 
to negatively impact conversions, such as how address verification errors were displayed. 
Small fixes such as these can greatly decrease user frustration and improve overall customer experience over time.

Ecommerce, Outdoor Clothing and Equipment
Customer support, Quality assurance, 
Website optimization
Teams using FullStory at Moosejaw
Hours to seconds
Reduction in time to understand customer feedback

Want to take your digital experience to the next level? Let’s chat.

Request a demo of the FullStory platform, and our team will be in touch within one business day.