You can't get all the answers without all the data

Digital experiences have become more and more complex, so we created a modern way to collect user experience data that was built for today’s websites and applications.

Unlike other platforms that require knowing in advance what to log, FullStory’s patented DX Data Engine automatically logs every aspect of your users’ interactions, across all visits.

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Meta data code from the head section

All of the information with a fraction of the effort

We don’t require you to know up front what you need to log. One simple snippet of code logs every scroll, swipe, click, pageview, and form fill, with no technical resources required. FullStory makes sure you don’t miss a thing—from interactions you’ve already built to those you implement as your business grows. 

  • Add, remove, and manage events—all available retroactively.

  • Edit, rename, group, and classify data elements however makes sense for your teams.

  • Automatically identify and add new pages, updated buttons, and any other site change.

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"To understand what happens to individual users on our website and apps is incredibly powerful, and FullStory allows us to be there with them."

Streamline the feedback loop and make more informed decisions

With FullStory, every user interaction is rich with detail—some you may expect, and others you’ll uncover as you monitor your websites and applications. With all of this information, you can make decisions faster and more confidently.

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FTD Logo

"FullStory is awesome. They do something special in shortening the distance between something that happens in your application and making a decision."

Never compromise on user privacy

When user data is never gathered, it’s never at risk. FullStory logs page structure and user activity—but not your customers’ private content. Instead of logging all data and encrypting it after it’s collected, specific data input types (like passwords and credit card numbers) are automatically excluded from the start.

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With FullStory, we can actually see how users engage with our app, where they struggle and succeed, and this allows us to prioritize fixes and improvements quickly. What previously took weeks or months of testing can now be moved into production in a fraction of the time. As a business in an emerging space, that time-to-value is so critical.

Increase revenue through better conversion

Increase revenue through better conversion

Identify revenue-impacting issues, understand how many customers are affected, and contextualize this data with real user sessions.

Improve organizational efficiency

Improve organizational efficiency

Empower engineers with the data they need to identify, troubleshoot, and remediate bugs efficiently and effectively.

Boost customer growth and retention

Boost customer growth and retention

Confidently iterate and improve your digital experiences to keep customers coming back.

Want to take your digital experience to the next level? Let’s chat.

Request a demo of the FullStory platform, and our team will be in touch within one business day.