How DailyPay uses FullStory’s intelligence, integrations, and insights for better CX
Use Cases · 4 min read

How DailyPay uses FullStory’s intelligence, integrations, and insights for better CX

The FullStory Team
Posted December 20, 2022

At DailyPay, customers are at the center of every decision. As an on-demand pay provider that’s on a mission to better the financial system for workers, DailyPay is constantly striving to deepen its understanding of the customer experience. 

In that pursuit, Digital Experience Intelligence (DXI) is an irreplaceable asset. Not only does DXI enable DailyPay teams to step into their customers’ shoes and see the app through their eyes, it empowers them to build ongoing feedback loops for iterating toward DX perfection. 

This past October at Spark, FullStory’s first user conference, Dar Miranda, VP of Product, UX and Design, and Lars Wiedenhoefer, Digital Experience Intelligence and Observability at DailyPay, shared how FullStory has transformed their user relationships.

(It’s also worth noting that Dar revealed her brand new FullStory tattoo—yes, really—during their session. Check it out here.)

Here’s a look at how DailyPay’s operations have changed since implementing FullStory, and examples of how they’re using it to drive DX change. 

To watch Lars and Dar’s complete session at Spark, click here.

Before and after FullStory

Before implementing FullStory, DailyPay’s product team would gather each week to listen to customer support calls, extract feedback, and make their best guesses as to what those customers were experiencing and which pieces of feedback to act on. With FullStory, surfacing user feedback is automatic, and there’s no more guesswork. Here are three of the primary ways FullStory has changed DailyPay’s feedback cycle: 

  1. DXI has improved how DailyPay determines their product roadmap. Because FullStory allows teams to see user friction at scale, DailyPay can quantify the impact a fix or feature will have and prioritize accordingly. 

  2. DXI is now embedded in multiple departments. At the start of 2022, only DailyPay’s product team was using FullStory. Now, FullStory is in regular use across nine teams at DailyPay. Not only does this mean more teams have insight into the digital customer experience, but it ensures all teams are accessing DX data from the same source of truth. 

  3. DXI enables DailyPay to clearly communicate customer friction and other insights across departments. Alerts are set up in FullStory that monitor customer friction points. Any issues are actively tracked and escalated to the appropriate teams for remediation and, ultimately, prevention. 

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3 examples of how DailyPay leverages integrations for DX growth

1. Contact call center abatement with unitQ

When it comes to experience quality issues, DailyPay subscribes to the notion that you can’t resolve what you don’t see, and you can’t prioritize what you don’t measure. With a custom integration between FullStory and their quality assurance tool, unitQ, DailyPay is able to gain context around the topics identified by the tool. 

Not only is unitQ connected to their support team’s systems, it’s also linked to a robust set of external systems (like review websites and Reddit forums) to monitor and identify themes for quality issues. Once those themes are identified by unitQ, DailyPay uses FullStory to surface precise examples of user interactions that led to that support call or review and determine the root cause.

2. Discover the impact of tech errors with

For any app or site, tech errors are simply a part of life. But how does an organization know which errors are business-critical? For DailyPay, Sentry makes prioritization a snap. For example, when Sentry—an error management tool—catches a late-night error and sends an alert, the recipient has to decide whether it’s significant enough to sound the alarm to the engineering team. And then, it turns out the error wasn’t actually business critical. 

With the out-of-the-box Sentry-FullStory integration, the team member who received the alert can quickly navigate to where the issue occurred in the customer session, quantify the impact, and know that alerting the engineering team can wait—instead of crying wolf. 

3. Fine-tune in-app guidance with Pendo

After launching an in-app guide through Pendo requesting that customer fill out an NPS survey, the DailyPay team was alarmed to see minutes-long gaps in money transferring sessions after the pop-up appeared. What was going on? Is the NPS request somehow negatively impacting those important transactions?

Luckily, by reviewing affected sessions in FullStory’s Session Replay, they can see that the gaps were actually just users doing exactly what they hoped—leaving NPS reviews. 

Looking for more Spark content? Check out the full session playlist here.

To learn more about how FullStory can spark change that transforms your organization’s customer experience, schedule a demo.

The FullStory TeamContributor

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