3 new mobile features to help you turn customer frustration into celebration
Product Updates · 6 min read

3 new mobile features to help you turn customer frustration into celebration

The FullStory Team
Posted July 18, 2022

Almost three quarters of users churn within 90 days of downloading an app. 

That means there’s a pretty small window of opportunity for getting your mobile experience right, and there’s no room for frustrating experiences

You know it’s important to build trust and deliver an experience they’ll want to come back to time and time again. But how? Essentially, great user experiences are a matter of trust.

Trust has no room for frustration

In a June 2022 FullStory consumer survey, 54% of respondents say they trust a business less after experiencing a mobile app issue. 

Coupling that fact with our current state of economic uncertainty, now is a critical time to build that foundation. Providing exceptional, delightful app experiences is paramount to growing and retaining a loyal customer base. 

To make it easier to build that trust with your users, we’re working  to deliver tools that help identify, diagnose, and rectify frustrating experiences. With the newly-released features below, you’ll be well-equipped to deliver a positive, trustworthy app experience customers will celebrate. 

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1. Network capture, search, and segment

Broken app experiences, be gone

Broken experiences, like a server-side network error, can contribute to negative customer sentiment. According to the aforementioned FullStory survey, 75% of respondents are likely to leave an app without completing their intended action due to having a frustrating experience. That can translate into lost revenue and app usage for you. 

With our new network capture feature, you can understand when, where, and how customers are encountering network errors, giving teams the clarity they need to take action. 

Save time and money, and boost user sentiment

Imagine you’re a mobile product manager for a pizza food service app. (Or maybe you actually are a mobile product manager for a pizza food service app.) You’re running a banner advertisement on a quarterly basis, which has historically converted highly. It offers three separate discounted rates for pizzas. However, you notice an outlier this quarter: not one app user has purchased the most popular discounted rate. 

Using FullStory’s network search and segment, you can create a segment to search for sessions where users are clicking that discounted rate within the advertisement. Using network capture via Session Replay, you watch several sessions where customers are adding that discounted rate to their carts, then pulling to refresh after hitting the checkout button.

You check the DevTools console and see an error message listed. From there, you create a new segment based on that error message. You realize the backend is returning a partial record for all purchase flows of that discounted rate, causing a checkout issue. You fix the error, and you’re back to selling the most popular discounted rate for pizzas. Sweet. 

What’s even sweeter is there’s no need for additional development time to enable this new feature. Simply turn it on and watch the magic happen.

2. Dead clicks

Keep your mobile app intuitive and user-friendly

The survey gift that keeps on giving. Another interesting data point gleaned from our FullStory consumer survey focuses on dead clicks. Forty percent of respondents stated dead links (clicks) are one of the most frustrating technical issues they experience on their mobile app. Yikes. 

Think of dead clicks like dead ends. They’re clicks that have zero effect on the page or element. It signals some sort of unexpected user experience, and it’s a sign of how intuitive your app is. Monitoring and measuring these clicks can help you understand if there are confusing elements in your app that could be causing customer frustration.

Dead clicks can be:

  • An image that looks like it should zoom in when clicked, but it doesn’t 

  • Users clicking a text string, expecting it to be a link, but it isn’t

  • A button that isn’t connected to an action or simply isn’t working properly

You can use these insights to make sure your app is intuitive and working as intended. 

Never miss a conversion

Filtering your users and sessions based on dead clicks (and using Session Replay to see what’s actually happening) will allow you to see what’s affecting your conversions, like script errors, frustrating workflows, slow pages, and device-specific bugs. 

Is your CTA button working as it should? Dead clicks helps you know exactly when the answer is “no,” so you don’t lose out on precious revenue. 

Reveal opportunities to drive the behavior you want

Dead clicks are super helpful in identifying patterns and trends in customer behavior. For example, are customers expecting a clickable action where there isn’t one? You’ve just found an opportunity to add more in-app value–and a potential increase in conversions.  

3. Highlighted signals

Ensure your customers get what they need using your app

Highlighted signals give major Sherlock Holmes vibes. This signal reveals insight into the ways customers interact with content across their digital experience. With this new feature, you can see when a customer highlights text in your app–whether it’s a product name, product description copy, or other key words. 

For example, an ecommerce business may notice a popular sneaker’s total sales trending lower. The team can run a search for users who highlighted the sneaker name and may discover an upward trend in the action within the last two weeks.

After some competitive research, they may find a competing business with a dramatic price decrease on those sneakers. They’ve just identified a customer behavior pattern due to market changes. This gives them insight on their customers’ price elasticity and will help inform their future business strategy. 

Spotlight improvement opportunities

The in-app experience is everything, but teams are often too busy with the day-to-day to be constantly auditing an app’s experience. It’s difficult to know when the UI experience isn’t delivering as intended. With highlighted signals, you can spot behavior trends that allude to broken app experiences. Is the text customers are highlighting difficult to see? Is there a coding issue? What an easy fix with this new feature!

Turning frustration into celebration–and trust

Now, more than ever, it’s important to get the app experience right. It’s how you build trust with your customers, and it’s how you turn them into loyal users of your app

The FullStory TeamContributor

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